Site Credits


If you've used this site in any capacity, you'll probably notice that much of it is simply bringing separate parts of the web together as one, in service of the little feetsmac. Information here has been pulled mainly from:

Apple Computer


The AppleSpec Database



the pickle's macfaq


The layout, look, graphics, html and all that guff is all mine. OK it looks like it could have come from Apple, but that's what happens when you overuse Garamond ;).The experiences on just what works well with 605's in particular... that's all mine too. Gauge it's worth how you will...


The net connection is an ADSL 256/64 link provided by Internode. They have some pretty neat plans, the main bonus being that uploads are unlimited - so y'all can see these pages without me having to pay billions for the privilege. (I serve around 500-600Mb a month). The guys who run the place seem to be pretty passionate about all things networky, which just makes me trust them a little more.

The box that's serving pages to you is of course, a Quadra 605 running linux, and maintained by me (there I am again). Her name is Angela and she's sitting just to my right as I type *pats angela*